Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP

Begin your Chakra Meditation Journey

Montage of Lisa using chakra meditation
Lisa butcher performing meditation in her practice

Chakra Meditation

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the ancient practice of chakra meditation?

Join Lisa as she guides you through a series of meditations designed to balance and enhance each of the seven chakras, leading to a harmonious and fulfilled life. Whether you're focusing on a specific chakra or wish to experience the profound benefits of working with all seven, Lisa's meditations offer a path to greater self-awareness, emotional stability, and spiritual growth.

Choose your Chakra Meditation

Lisa meditating using the root chakra

Coming Soon…

Root Chakra Meditation

  • Ground yourself and connect with the earth's energies with the Root Chakra meditation. This meditation is perfect for those dealing with feelings of insecurity, physical ailments, and a lack of stability. Embrace the strength and stability that the earth element provides.

  • Enhance physical vitality and health

    Increase feelings of safety and security

    Establish a strong foundation for personal growth

Lisa meditating using the sacral chakra

Coming Soon…

Sacral Chakra Meditation (Svadhisthana)

  • Unlock your creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance with the Sacral Chakra meditation. Ideal for those facing reproductive issues, lower back pain, emotional instability, and creative blocks. Connect with the fluidity of water, embracing joy and pleasure in life.

  • Foster emotional stability and creativity

    Improve reproductive health

    Cultivate healthy relationships and intimacy

Lisa meditating using the solar plexus chakra

Coming Soon…

Solar Plexus

  • Discover the power of self-esteem, willpower, and personal boundaries with the Solar Plexus Chakra meditation. This meditation is perfect for those dealing with digestive disorders, adrenal fatigue, low self-esteem, and anxiety. Embrace the fire element within you, building energy and transformation through guided breath-work and visualisation.

  • Boost self-confidence and personal power

    Enhance digestive health

    Overcome feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem

Heart Chakra Meditation

  • Open your heart to love, compassion, and forgiveness with the Heart Chakra meditation. Suitable for those experiencing heart conditions, lung problems, emotional instability, and relationship difficulties. Feel the harmony and empathy flow through you, bridging your lower and higher chakras.

  • Enhance emotional healing and balance

    Foster deep connections and empathy

    Promote physical heart and lung health

Lisa meditating using the throat chakra

Coming Soon…

Throat Chakra Meditation

  • Find your voice and express your truth with the Throat Chakra meditation. Perfect for those struggling with throat ailments, thyroid issues, communication difficulties, and fear of speaking. Embrace the power of resonance and vibration, aligning your words with your actions.

  • Improve communication skills and self-expression

    Enhance thyroid and neck health

    Overcome fear of speaking and shyness

Lisa meditating using the third eye chakra

Coming Soon…

Third Eye Meditation

  • Enhance your intuition, insight, and clarity of thought with the Third Eye Chakra meditation. Suitable for those dealing with headaches, vision problems, lack of clarity, and overthinking. Tap into the wisdom of the universe, seeing beyond the mundane.

  • Strengthen intuition and inner wisdom

    Improve vision and neurological health

    Cultivate clarity of thought and decision-making

Lisa meditating using the crown chakra

Coming Soon…

Crown Chakra Meditation

  • Connect with the divine and achieve spiritual enlightenment with the Crown Chakra meditation. Ideal for those experiencing neurological disorders, migraines, depression, and spiritual disconnection. Embrace the infinite and transcend the limitations of the physical world.

  • Foster spiritual connection and enlightenment

    Enhance mental clarity and peace

    Overcome feelings of isolation and depression

Lisa meditating using the all 7 of the chakras

Coming Soon…

Meditation Bundle
(All 7 Chakras)

  • For a comprehensive transformation, Lisa offers a complete Chakra Meditation Bundle, which includes all seven meditations. This bundle is designed to guide you through the full spectrum of chakra healing, ensuring a balanced and harmonious energy flow throughout your body and spirit.

  • Holistic healing and balance across all chakras

    Enhanced emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being

    Deep connection to your true self and the universe

What do the meditation packages include?

Each chakra meditation package is crafted to address the unique physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects associated with the specific chakra.

Through guided meditations, breathwork, and affirmations, you will experience a profound connection to your inner self, promoting healing and balance.

Whether you're looking to boost your self-esteem with the Solar Plexus Chakra, enhance your intuition with the Third Eye Chakra, or open your heart to love with the Heart Chakra, Lisa's meditations provide a comprehensive approach to chakra healing. Dive deep into your journey of self-discovery and transformation, one chakra at a time.

Chakra Meditation Bundle

Experience a holistic journey of healing and balance with Lisa’s Complete Chakra Meditation Bundle.
This comprehensive package includes all seven meditations, meticulously designed to guide you through the full spectrum of chakra healing. Embrace the opportunity to harmonise your energy flow, enhance your physical and emotional well-being, and connect deeply with your true self and the universe. Dive into a transformative practice that promises peace, clarity, and spiritual fulfillment.

Person practicing meditation and breath work

Begin your Meditation Journey

Embrace the opportunity to transform your life with Lisa's guided chakra meditations. Whether you choose to focus on a specific chakra or opt for the complete bundle, each meditation is crafted to support your journey towards greater self-awareness, health, and spiritual fulfilment.