Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP

Lisa Butcher intuitive therapist

Welcome to Lisa’s Transformative Space

“Lisa Butcher is a dedicated intuitive therapist, and the visionary behind her holistic practice in West London.
Born with a natural gift for healing and a deep-seated desire to help others, Lisa has transformed her life’s challenges into a professional path that empowers and transforms others.”

You can read more client testimonials here.

Professional Journey

Lisa began her career as a model and television presenter, which, while glamorous, led her to seek a deeper purpose. Transitioning from the public eye to a more introspective life, she embarked on extensive studies in various holistic therapy modalities. Lisa holds a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (DipHyp), a General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP), is a certified Reiki Master, and has trained in NLP, past life regression, emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and has undergone advanced shamanic training. Lisa is an experienced innerdance facilitator and trainer of the practice to others. Her unique approach combines these disciplines with her innate intuitive abilities, offering her clients a comprehensive therapeutic experience.

Lisa Butcher holistic healing

Early life and inspiration

Born in Singapore and raised in Bali, Indonesia, and Mauritius, Lisa was immersed in a rich tapestry of cultures and spiritual practices from an early age. Her exposure to diverse healing traditions sparked an early interest in holistic therapies and set the foundation for her future career. Lisa’s journey into holistic therapy was further motivated by personal loss and the profound growth that came from navigating her own emotional and spiritual challenges.

Explore my Jewellery Collection: Sakti

Every piece in the SAKTI collection is blessed by a Buddhist monk to ensure that the symbolism of the designs and positive energy of each of the gemstones is amplified, and to bring the wearer positivity and joy.

Commitment to Growth in Self and Others

Passionate about her work, Lisa is committed to her own continuous professional development, ensuring that she remains at the forefront of holistic therapy arts. This commitment is mirrored in her dedication to her clients, whom she supports through their self-healing journeys with empathy, respect, and profound understanding.

Community and Outreach

Beyond her practice, Lisa is an active community member, contributing to various charitable organisations and wellness initiatives. She believes in giving back and uses her visibility to advocate for mental health awareness and holistic health solutions.

Holistic Approach

Lisa’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that true self-healing occurs when all aspects of a person- mind, body and spirit - are addressed. Lisa’s treatment sessions are more than just appointments; they are transformative experiences designed to align her clients’ lives with their soul’s purpose.

Step into your Power

Whether you are seeking to heal from emotional wounds, looking for spiritual guidance, or needing physical relief, Lisa Butcher offers a safe, supportive, and enlightening environment to explore your healing path. Welcoming all who are on a journey towards self-healing and self-discovery.

Book a Consultation

Discover how Lisa can assist you in your self-healing journey.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more balanced and fulfilled life.