Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP

Chakra & Energy Balance

Womans hands showing chakra healing

Chakras originate from ancient Indian philosophy, often linked with yoga and other spiritual practices, they are vital energy centers in the human body linked to specific organs and areas of the body that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. When these chakras are balanced, energy flows freely leading to a state of well-being and harmony. Conversely, imbalances can result in various physical symptoms, emotional disturbances, and a general sense of unwellness.

Lisa's Approach to Chakra Balancing

Lisa Butcher uses a holistic approach to chakra balancing, combining innerdance, guided meditations, shamanic and energy restoration practices including reiki, to realign and rejuvenate the body’s energy centres. Her sessions are tailored to address the unique needs of each client, ensuring a personalised self-healing experience that promotes optimal energy flow and well-being.

Engaging in chakra balancing sessions with Lisa offers several benefits:

Woman relaxing tension with chakra

Improved overall physical health and reduced tension.

mist clearing over mountains offering clarity

Enhanced mental clarity and increased emotional stability.

Strengthened plant able to handle stress

Strengthened ability to handle life's stresses and challenges.

Lisa finding spiritual awareness

Greater spiritual awareness and a deeper sense of inner peace.

calming bed for rejuvenating sleep

Better, deeper more rejuvenating sleep.

Woman releasing blocked energy

Release of blocked energies that can lead to emotional and physical ailments.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the ancient practice of chakra meditation?

Join Lisa as she guides you through a series of meditations designed to balance and enhance each of the seven chakras, leading to a harmonious and fulfilled life.

Lisa performing chakra balancing session

What to Expect During Your Chakra Balancing Session

A chakra balancing session with Lisa involves an initial consultation to identify specific areas of concern. Following this, Lisa employs energy restoration techniques appropriate for your needs, including inner dance, shamanic and energy work including reiki and visualisation exercises. Sessions typically last between 60 to 90 minutes, during which clients often experience a profound sense of relaxation and renewal.

Success Stories: Achieving Harmony through Chakra Balancing

“Undergoing chakra balancing with Lisa has transformed my life. I feel more energised, balanced, and in tune with my body than ever before. Her gentle and effective approach has not only alleviated my physical symptoms but also brought great emotional and spiritual relief.”

You can read more client testimonials here.


Lisa providing emotional support

60-Minute Session

Ideal for focused sessions including hypnotherapy, Reiki, or a blend of therapeutic modalities.


woman feeing relief after a therapy session

90-Minute Session

Dive deeper into your self-healing journey, suitable for intensive personal growth and discovery.


Lisa performing an innerdance ritual

Inner Dance Session

Immerse in the power of Inner Dance, designed to connect you with your subconscious and facilitate significant personal shifts.

2 hours £250

Lisa offering therapeutic healing

Add an Extra 45 Minutes

Extend any session by 45 minutes to deepen your engagement or to explore additional holistic therapy techniques.


Woman feeling powerful after working with Lisa

Customise Your Experience

Each session can be personalised to address your specific needs and what you need assistance with.

Unsure which option is right for you?

Reach out for a brief chat with Lisa. She can guide you to the most appropriate choices based on your individual needs.


Lisa providing emotional support

60-Minute Session

Ideal for focused sessions including hypnotherapy, Reiki, or a blend of therapeutic modalities.


woman feeing relief after a therapy session

90-Minute Session

Dive deeper into your self-healing journey, suitable for intensive personal growth and discovery.


Lisa performing an innerdance ritual

Inner Dance Session

Immerse in the power of Inner Dance, designed to connect you with your subconscious and facilitate significant personal shifts.


Lisa offering therapeutic healing

Add an Extra 45 Minutes

Extend any session by 45 minutes to deepen your engagement or to explore additional holistic therapy techniques.


Woman feeling powerful after working with Lisa

Customise Your Experience

Each session can be personalised to address your specific needs and what you need assistance with.

Unsure which option is right for you?

Reach out for a brief chat with Lisa. She can guide you to the most appropriate choices based on your individual needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Chakra Balancing

  • Yes, balancing your chakras can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress by restoring the natural flow of energy in your body.

  • The frequency of sessions can vary depending on your personal needs and goals. Lisa can provide guidance based on your initial session and results.

  • Yes, chakra balancing is a non-invasive, safe practice suitable for adults of all ages and health conditions.

Realign Your Energy for a Healthier, Happier You

If you’re ready to experience the profound benefits of balanced chakras, contact Lisa today to book your session or learn more about her chakra balancing services.