Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP

Ancestral Healing

Safe calm space for ancestral healing

Ancestral healing involves addressing and resolving the emotional, spiritual, and physical issues inherited from our family lineage. Unresolved traumas, patterns, and beliefs can be passed down through generations, influencing our behavior and well-being without our conscious awareness. Ancestral healing aims to identify, confront, and heal these inherited issues to free both current and future generations from their impacts.

Lisa's Approach to Ancestral Healing

Lisa Butcher integrates shamanic practices with contemporary therapeutic techniques to facilitate ancestral healing. Her sessions involve identifying the ancestral wounds that may be affecting your life and using rituals, guided meditations, and energy work to release these burdens. Lisa’s deep intuitive insights allow her to connect with ancestral spirits, aiding in the process of restoring harmony and balance within the family system.

Lisa providing ancestral healing

Participating in ancestral healing with Lisa provides numerous benefits:

Breaking cycles of negativity

Breaks cycles of dysfunction and negative patterns in family dynamics.

Woman looking out into a clear sea

Enhances personal growth and self-awareness by clearing inherited blockages.

Siblings improving their relationships

Improves relationships with family and others by resolving underlying issues.

Tree connecting to ancestral roots

Connects you more deeply to your roots and cultural heritage.

woman connecting to her emotional wellbeing

Increases overall emotional and psychological well-being.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the ancient practice of chakra meditation?

Join Lisa as she guides you through a series of meditations designed to balance and enhance each of the seven chakras, leading to a harmonious and fulfilled life.

Lisa offering profound ancestral healing

What to Expect During Your Ancestral Healing Session

An ancestral healing session with Lisa is a profound and transformative experience. Each session starts with a discussion to trace your family history and identify recurring patterns or problems. Lisa then leads you through specific rituals and meditative practices designed to connect with and heal your ancestors. These sessions can vary in length but typically last about 90 minutes, during which you may experience deep emotional insights and a sense of release.

Success Stories: Liberation through Ancestral Healing

“Lisa's ancestral healing session was a revelation. I felt a burden lift that I had carried for years, unaware it stemmed from my lineage. Her sensitive and powerful approach helped heal wounds I never knew I had.”

You can read more client testimonials here.


Lisa providing emotional support

60-Minute Session

Ideal for focused sessions including hypnotherapy, Reiki, or a blend of therapeutic modalities.


woman feeing relief after a therapy session

90-Minute Session

Dive deeper into your self-healing journey, suitable for intensive personal growth and discovery.


Lisa performing an innerdance ritual

Inner Dance Session

Immerse in the power of Inner Dance, designed to connect you with your subconscious and facilitate significant personal shifts.

2 hours £250

Lisa offering therapeutic healing

Add an Extra 45 Minutes

Extend any session by 45 minutes to deepen your engagement or to explore additional holistic therapy techniques.


Woman feeling powerful after working with Lisa

Customise Your Experience

Each session can be personalised to address your specific needs and what you need assistance with.

Unsure which option is right for you?

Reach out for a brief chat with Lisa. She can guide you to the most appropriate choices based on your individual needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Ancestral Healing

  • Anyone interested in personal and family healing, especially those aware of persistent family issues or those interested in their heritage.

  • The frequency of sessions can vary based on personal needs. Some may find a single session impactful, while others might benefit from ongoing work.

  • Ancestral healing is a spiritual practice that transcends specific cultural or religious contexts. Lisa tailors her approach to respect all backgrounds and beliefs.

Heal Your Past to Free Your Future

Begin your journey of ancestral healing and discover a deeper connection to your lineage and yourself. Contact Lisa today to schedule your first session or learn more about how ancestral healing can change your life.