Lisa helping her client with holistic therapy

Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP


Client testimonials

“I found Lisa from the ‘Random’ Insta page: a photo of her holding a rose quartz! I love crystals so I tapped on her picture. I saw on her bio that she is a Reiki Master. For me personally the attraction and connection to Lisa was the fact that she didn’t promote her services offering discounts or forcing business. I was looking for some healing and she happened to appear at the right time! I made contact, to which her responses were prompt, and arranged a reiki session. Upon arrival Lisa took me into her healing paradise! I was instantly wowed and connected at the same time; I knew I had made a good choice. We started with Lisa asking me a series of questions before we went into healing mode. She cleared the energies with sage and used a lovely aroma oil when working on me. I was feeling down, fearful, anxious and blocked; she worked with spirit and she absolutely blew me away with some of the things that were coming up for me in message form. Lisa combines Shamanic rituals with the reiki to make it even more powerful and uses spirit animals who you feel connected with to give a further boost to your mind, body and soul.” - KIM

“Once the session finished she allowed me to choose an angel card and the message could not have been more synchronised with the whole session that we had worked on. Due to recent insomnia, I was hardly sleeping, but after my session, I came home and slept like a baby for 4 hours which felt like the best sleep ever. The next day I felt a little better and the day after even more so. I can honestly say that I experienced instant and gradual results and I have already booked my second session. Lisa is amazing, she is unconditional, non-judgemental and has big compassion and tools for resolutions. She is not a doctor but she will help and guide you to heal yourself. Lisa, I can’t thank you enough for appearing at a crucial time when I felt my lowest and was losing hope. Thank you.” - ANITA

“I have been to a couple of sessions with Lisa now and honestly, she is life changing. Lisa has a way of tapping into your energy and your history, bringing up emotions that may well need clearing. With the wrong person this could be almost traumatic; however, with Lisa’s calming and positive aura, she tackles these sensitive topics in a life changing, healing and positive way. At the end of every session I leave feeling as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I highly recommend her; she is absolutely top of her game.”- CIARA

“Thank you so much for my healing yesterday. I had been feeling under-par for quite a few weeks and upon lying down on the massage table, I felt immediately at ease and had a sense of being held. When you laid your hands upon my head I went deeper into relaxation, whilst having a feeling of drifting off somewhere quite blissful. After the treatment had finished I felt re-energised and in fact, I still do.”- JEANETTE

“After only seeing Lisa for a few sessions, I have felt: lighter, happier and much more free. I now experience so much less anxiety in everyday life. And negative thoughts, when I encounter them in mind, I feel I can just brush away. When entering any room I feel confident, because I have the belief and knowledge; that it is enough to just be myself. My insecurities are dwindling and I can express my spirit with more faith and clarity than I have been able to in a long time. She has helped me to learn how to love myself again, and for that I am truly grateful.”- HARRY

“I've been to spiritual healers previously but can honestly say that Lisa is the BEST I've experienced. I had visuals of green, gold and purples for the first time ever. I came away from my hour session feeling rejuvenated, enlightened and spiritually topped up. Lisa's 100% accuracy with my family ties, and health concerns astounded me. She even picked up on things I'd forgotten about until I realised she was correct. I am still in awe of how good she really is. If you're even thinking about going anywhere else, don't... you won't find better believe me.”- DELL

“As an experienced psychotherapist I have found it difficult to find a therapist whom I trust enough to hand my self and my “issues” over to. In Lisa Butcher I have found such a one. I have treatment with her on a regular basis and each time she knows instinctively what is needed. She uses a wide range of healing and therapy, adapting her work to whatever I need - often without me knowing what that is beforehand. I have benefited from a release of deep standing grief, from pain relief, both physical and psychic and from a feeling of release and well being after each treatment. I do not hesitate to recommend Lisa to anyone who needs help and healing.”- VERONYKA

“My healing journey (or session) with Lisa was truly liberating and transformational. During the session, I felt Lisa’s powerful protective presence and that feeling of safety enabled me to deal with the issues I wanted help with. I saw visions with her help that helped me get to the core of what I needed to deal with. After the session, I was laughing from the bottom of my heart. It was a laughter of freedom and a new beginning. Something shifted. I felt truly wonderful. The long term effect of my healing was even more powerful as the issues I wanted help with started dissolving and several months later still are! Lisa has an angelic-like presence and a warm and loving energy that has enormous power for healing.”- GHIDA

“I’ve always been quite open to holistic treatments but I certainly wasn’t expecting how I felt after my truly magical session with Lisa. Lisa has the ability to delve deep into your spiritual conscious without intrusion - she opened gateways within me that allowed me to release my little voices and did it in away that made me feel very safe and calm. The warmth and lightness is I felt uplifted my spirt and soul. A true practitioner in every sense and a natural healer in every way.”- SARAH

“From the beautiful environment that Lisa has created to her warmth, understanding and support, these treatments have been a game changer. They have helped change my emotional state, clear my thoughts and leave me feeling calmer than before. I feel I’ve been able to move forward in a way like never before with clarity of mind and an ability to be at peace with past traumas. I can’t recommend this treatment highly enough.”- LAUREN

“I had my first ever experience of Reiki with the lovely Lisa, the purpose of which was to help with my dreadful sleep pattern. I wasn’t sure what to expect but Lisa instantly made me feel relaxed. I absolutely loved the whole experience, Lisa puts her heart and soul into the session. I have been sleeping much better since Reiki and am looking forward to working with Lisa again. I have already and would not hesitate recommending her to anyone.”- MARIA

“Lisa is compassionate, intuitive and loving. She creates a divine space where you can allow yourself to be vulnerable and explore your emotions at a deeper level. She has helped me on my journey of self discovery which has brought about deep healing and immense growth. Lisa has incredible wisdom and insight, she has an innate ability to connect and heal. She is a truly gifted powerful healer.”- KARISHMA

“At first, I was skeptical of shamanic healing and reiki as I didn't have any knowledge about it. I recommend Lisa as a therapist as her knowledge extends in all areas of healing. I went to her chronic cystitis and emotional issues, with her guidance the pain has left my body. Lisa is very intuitive when it comes to treating clients and uses a combination of different therapies tailored to the client. I have done past life regression with her and her support has relieved me of pain. I believe that as a client, you are in good hands with her and will receive the best outcome with her treatment. I am a therapist myself and I know a good therapist when I see one.”- MARTIZA

“Working in the spiritual field for over 22 years makes you understand a lot about healing. We all have blocks and things to heal (even healers) and from meeting so many people who work as healers, shamans etc to try & help me it was not until I received a psychic dream that I knew Lisa would be able to help me. I made an appointment immediately and when it was my session Lisa worked on the block I had been having for some years. I felt immediately hopeful and a sense of knowing it would workout. 4 weeks later I received the results I had been trying for so many years to do myself and it keeps going from positive to positive. I highly recommend the gentle but powerful techniques Lisa uses. She is a gift to our universe.” - AMARYLIS

“I would like to thank and acknowledge Lisa for helping me through 2020. Her work with me which included healing ceremonies, journeying and her teaching of the principles of Shamanism has been valuable life lessons and helped me heal old wounds. Lisa, despite her gentle soft appearance is steely and strong which is reassuring when doing this type of work. Her kindness, patience and sincerity are all very necessary attributes as we slowly peel back layers and layers of unknown conditionings to reveal our true selves. I highly recommend Lisa to accompanying you on your journey to wholeness.”- SHEVANNE

“To anyone reading this, drop the ego, be real and leave the rest in the capable hands of a remarkable healer. The only way to describe my experience is to say, if you were to combine physics with the application of centuries old teachings, plus a highly developed intuition, added to that the embodiment of the best of human nature; this would give an indication of what to expect from a session with Lisa Butcher. Lisa is a real and accomplished healer of the highest echelon.”- LYNNE

“I experienced my first inner dance session with Lisa today, and it blew my mind. It was a deeply physical energetic clearing that moved through my body and soul 🌬. Held in the loving arms and space of Lisa; I arose from the journey feeling deeply connected to my own being and all beings around me. A beautiful, powerful and mystical experience leading you back to you. Lisa is Magik ✨🌙😁”- ANOUSHKA

“I am appreciatively grateful for the treatment which I had from you, which is different to any other therapies I have experienced but probably way more effective. I've explained to friends that you use sound, hands-on work and what felt like powerful energy shifts. I have had two major surgeries recently as well as bereavement and trauma, all of which has left me in a pretty bad way. I am surprised and delighted to tell you that the post operative pain gradually decreased to a barely detectable level and the tension and anxiety that has become my normal state seems to have left me after your work with me. I am enjoying a sense of well being that I have not had for a long time. Thank you Lisa, your approach and techniques certainly do the job!”- VB

“I tried not to bring any expectation to the Innerdance/Kundalini Awakening Experience with Lisa. Following her gentle guidance I let my body process and show me what it needed to. It was a series of sensations, some comfortable and some less comfortable, that I just enjoyed from start to finish. It is like taking a long journey. One where you see parts of yourself you were not familiar with, where you shed emotions you don't need any more. Where you get to evolve into the next version of you. All within a few hours!! Now that everything has settled a few days later, I have been left with a profound clarity. I know exactly what I should be doing with my work. I had ideas before, but now I have a deep understanding without any doubt. The confidence it has given me is already showing in my conversations with people. They keep offering me work! Life is to be experienced and this is something I would recommend to anyone. It is an opportunity to connect with yourself so much more deeply, just by listening to music and receiving Lisa's energy. I will be coming again and bringing friends!”- K

“I didn’t know what to expect from my first session of Innerdance with Lisa Butcher, but wow what an incredible experience! Lisa created a safe and healing space for the magic to happen…and it sure did! I felt my whole body being cleared of emotional blocks that it’s held for years, whilst connecting to that higher place we all long for. My Soul’s home. I was left feeling clear, grounded, more open hearted and very much alive. I can not recommend Lisa and her work, highly enough.”- DONNA

“Innerdance with Lisa has been a game changer for me in accessing and releasing stored trauma I have never felt safe enough to release before. Lisa’s holding of the space, and of myself, creates a new sense of safety for me words cannot justify. I have feared releasing trauma for so long until I found Lisa’s work and have experienced inner dance. I appreciate that I feel so in control, but also so held by Lisa during the session which enables me to drop deeper into letting go. I have never felt so safe working with someone before and I am extraordinarily grateful for the work and for Lisa herself.”- MARY

“I have now experienced two of Lisa’s Kundalini Activation / Innerdance sessions and I honestly can’t praise her enough. Not only are they extraordinarily uplifting but at the same time they are very grounding. The hypnotic sounds carry you away yet you are still so present. Both sessions had such a positively amazing and transformative effect on me. Even for someone like myself with a super busy noisy mind - through Lisa’s guidance I was able to detach from those thoughts just enough to allow me to start and experience the depth and wonderment of this Healing. I can see clearly how with each session one’s ability to do this gets stronger and stronger. Lisa is so gifted. Thank you Lisa!” - ANNA

“The Innerdance workshop is the most incredible body, energy and breath work experience. It is extremely powerful and dynamic in the most warm and holding space which Lisa creates. The breathing rhythms follow the most fabulous music that deeply resonates and releases energetically on both a body and soul level. With Lisa intuitively focussing on each person within the group using her deep and beautiful wisdom to apply her shamanic energy and healing work where it is most needed individually. I really cannot recommend this more highly ... each session has left me feeling calm, light and energised - lots of blocked energy released and has helped me feel more deeply connected and open hearted within myself and with others too.”- CAROLENA

“I recently experienced an Innerdance session with Lisa at her beautiful and tranquil healing space in West London. The moment I arrived Lisa made me feel completely at ease. She has such a kind and welcoming nature that you naturally and immediately relax in her presence. As an energy healer myself, I had been looking for an Innerdance/Kundalini Activation practitioner when I had the good fortune of meeting Lisa at an event. All I can say is wow! The experience did not disappoint! Lisa quite perfectly guided one of the most powerful energy transmissions I have ever received. I felt incredible shifts happening within my body as the energy flowed through me and I left feeling lighter and freer than I have in a long while! The whole session was pure magic from start to finish and I definitely want to come back and experience more of this transformational work.”- CAROLINE

“Before seeing Lisa I had been struggling with amenorrhea for over a year. I didn’t want to revert to the pill, I wanted to heal using natural remedies. I tried absolutely everything I could think of, and she was my last hope! Her sessions and energy work allowed me to let go and release any stresses and feelings that I had been holding inside my body, which I believe was the cause of my absent period. After a few sessions, I already noticed changes in my body, and after a couple months of seeing her, I finally got my period back! Thank you Lisa”- SACHA

"Lisa's Inner Dance has to be experienced to be believed.  First of all there is no dancing involved.  Lying on the mat, she will safely guide you, deep into the subconscious and draw out all the patterns you no longer need, healing the pain along the way.  She does this through your senses, with music, the drum, scent and light holding and it feels exquisite.  Like all the best medicine, it mends, upgrades and ultimately transforms the body, mind and spirit.  It's no wonder she has a butterfly as her emblem.  There was a brave soul in our group whose birthday it was.  She had booked the workshop as a present to herself because through this work, she has been able to face some difficult experiences that she had been carefully burying over a lifetime.  It was so humbling to go through my own process and to witness others' process too, in this intimate and beautifully held setting.  I cannot recommend this work highly enough.  I will be telling all my clients to do this!" - YANNI

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the inner dance experience session you recently conducted. The impact it has had on my life has been profound and far-reaching, and I felt compelled to share my appreciation with you.
Since participating in your healing session, I've noticed significant positive changes in my daily life:
I feel remarkably more confident and relaxed when facing stressful situations. Interestingly, your wise wisdom influenced my eating habits. I've found myself naturally gravitating towards more plant-based meals, which has left me feeling more energised and balanced. The healing during the inner dance experience has opened up new pathways for personal growth and self-discovery. The sense of inner peace and connection I gained during the session continues to resonate with me, influencing my choices and outlook in ways I hadn't anticipated. Your spiritual work is truly making a difference to each person you meet and I'm deeply grateful for the positive impact it has had on my life. - LOLA