Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP

Working through grief and loss

Grief and Loss

Loss can manifest in many forms beyond the death of a loved one, including the end of relationships, loss of employment, financial security, or even a sense of identity. Each type of loss carries its own set of challenges and emotional responses, such as sadness, anger, confusion, or a feeling of emptiness. Recognising and addressing these feelings is crucial in navigating the path to recovery and adaptation.

Lisa's approach to Coping with Loss

Having experienced profound loss herself allows Lisa to offer a compassionate and tailored approach to helping individuals navigate the complex emotions associated with all forms of loss.

Using a combination of hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, and energy work, Lisa provides a supportive space to explore and process these emotions. Her therapy sessions aim to help clients find closure and rediscover their capacity for resilience and joy, fostering self-healing and growth even in the face of adversity.

Lisa providing a safe space for healing

Engaging with Lisa for therapy after experiencing loss can provide numerous benefits

Lisa providing emotional support

Emotional support and understanding during a challenging time.

Tools that help with loss

Tools and strategies to manage the immediate and long-term impacts of loss.

Woman finding her coping mechanism

Enhanced resilience and coping mechanisms.

Lisa re-balancing and finding peace

Restoration of balance and peace in your life.

Path towards purpose after healing

Guidance towards finding a sense of purpose & direction after significant changes.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the ancient practice of chakra meditation?

Join Lisa as she guides you through a series of meditations designed to balance and enhance each of the seven chakras, leading to a harmonious and fulfilled life.

Lisa Butcher providing loss recovery sessions

What to expect during your Loss Recovery Session

Sessions focused on loss are designed to help you understand and articulate your feelings in a safe environment.

Lisa will guide you through personalised therapeutic techniques aimed at soothing emotional wounds. You can expect to explore your emotions, discuss the impact of the loss, and work on practical strategies to rebuild and move forward.

Sessions are usually 60 to 90 minutes and are tailored to your specific circumstances and emotional needs.

Success stories: overcoming loss

“Lisa’s innate and extraordinary gift/talent has enabled me to deal with and release so much grief that I had been bottling up.
After my mother’s passing I experienced a very deep grief and as much as I thought I was dealing with it, it became overwhelming.  
By working through this with Lisa I was able to release so much over two sessions.  
She has an amazing ability to create a very special space of trust and love, where you can let go.
The positive effects from both sessions impacted me almost instantaneously.
I felt an incredible wave of calmness come over me and felt lighter, mentally and emotionally stronger and more balanced once again.
I can’t thank Lisa enough and cannot recommend her enough!”

 You can read more client testimonials here.


Lisa providing emotional support

60-Minute Session

Ideal for focused sessions including hypnotherapy, Reiki, or a blend of therapeutic modalities.


woman feeing relief after a therapy session

90-Minute Session

Dive deeper into your self-healing journey, suitable for intensive personal growth and discovery.


Lisa performing an innerdance ritual

Inner Dance Session

Immerse in the power of Inner Dance, designed to connect you with your subconscious and facilitate significant personal shifts.

2 hours £250

Lisa offering therapeutic healing

Add an Extra 45 Minutes

Extend any session by 45 minutes to deepen your engagement or to explore additional holistic therapy techniques.


Woman feeling powerful after working with Lisa

Customise Your Experience

Each session can be personalised to address your specific needs and what you need assistance with.

Unsure which option is right for you?

Reach out for a brief chat with Lisa. She can guide you to the most appropriate choices based on your individual needs.

Frequently asked questions about the
Loss Recovery Session

  • Absolutely. Grief is an uncharted journey that is turbulent and can often manifest when you least expect it. Lisa has first had experience of multiple losses and brings this to her work to help you navigate towards a more peaceful place.

  • Grief never leaves you completely, but it does become less acute and more manageable. Lisa works with you to help you transmute your grief and allow space to live and grow.

  • If you’re reading this, that tells Lisa that you have already opened yourself up to your healing journey. If loss is impacting your daily life and emotional well-being, it may be time to seek help.

Navigate your loss with professional support

Don’t face your loss alone.
Reach out to Lisa today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards self-healing and recovery.