Lisa Butcher DipHyp, GQHP

Butterfly coming out of a cocoon

Personal Transformation

Personal transformation involves a fundamental change in how an individual views themselves and the world around them, often leading to significant shifts in behaviour and lifestyle. This change can come from deep introspection and addressing core issues, resulting in a more fulfilled and meaningful life. Whether triggered by life events or an internal desire for growth, the journey of personal transformation is both challenging and rewarding.

Lisa reflecting in her garden

Lisa's approach to personal transformaation

Lisa Butcher facilitates personal transformation through a holistic blend of hypnotherapy, shamanic practices,inner dance and energy work,including reiki. Her unique method focuses on unlocking and harnessing your inner potential, removing psychological and energetic blockages that hinder growth. By integrating the mind, body, and spirit, Lisa’s sessions promote deep self-healing and self-discovery, empowering you to make lasting changes.

Benefits of therapy for personal transformation

woman feeling overwhelmed

Gain deep insights into your behavioural patterns and emotional responses.

forest landscape

Develop stronger resilience and adaptability to life’s changes.

woman happy in a field

Experience a sense of renewal and enthusiasm for life’s possibilities.

Rocks balancing

Achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle that reflects your true self.

people communicating

Enhance relationships through self-understanding & communication.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the ancient practice of chakra meditation?

Join Lisa as she guides you through a series of meditations designed to balance and enhance each of the seven chakras, leading to a harmonious and fulfilled life.

Lisa looking out onto her pond

What to expect during your personal transformation session

Sessions with Lisa are tailored to reflect your personal goals and challenges. They often involve a mix of dialogue and therapeutic practices designed to foster self-awareness and
self-healing. Expect a supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings openly.

Sessions typically last between 60 to 90 minutes and are aimed at facilitating meaningful insights and practical strategies for personal growth.

Success stories: achieving personal transformation

“I had the most incredible workshop with Lisa which included cocao, hypnotherapy and inner dance. She truly has a special gift.

I had low expectations going into the workshop but left with a full heart. From beginning to end I found her very attentive and kind, not to only myself but the rest of the group. She started by explaining what the session was and what may come up for us during the workshop.

We then went through the inner dance experience which I absolutely loved. I left feeling at peace and enlightened by how powerful this amazing combo can be. Thank you Lisa for an amazing couple of hours. I can’t wait for the next one.”

You can read more client testimonials here.


Lisa providing emotional support

60-Minute Session

Ideal for focused sessions including hypnotherapy, Reiki, or a blend of therapeutic modalities.


woman feeing relief after a therapy session

90-Minute Session

Dive deeper into your self-healing journey, suitable for intensive personal growth and discovery.


Lisa performing an innerdance ritual

Inner Dance Session

Immerse in the power of Inner Dance, designed to connect you with your subconscious and facilitate significant personal shifts.

2 hours £250

Lisa offering therapeutic healing

Add an Extra 45 Minutes

Extend any session by 45 minutes to deepen your engagement or to explore additional holistic therapy techniques.


Woman feeling powerful after working with Lisa

Customise Your Experience

Each session can be personalised to address your specific needs and what you need assistance with.

Unsure which option is right for you?

Reach out for a brief chat with Lisa. She can guide you to the most appropriate choices based on your individual needs.

Frequently asked questions about
Personal Transformation Sessions

  • If you’re seeking to improve your life, feel stuck, or want to achieve a specific goal, personal transformation can be beneficial

  • Come with an open mind and be ready to discuss your goals and areas of concern. Think about what you truly want to change or achieve in your life.

  • Yes, it can be particularly effective in providing new perspectives and coping mechanisms that improve overall mental health.

Begin your path to Personal Transformation

Are you ready to change your life?
Start your journey to personal transformation with Lisa today.
Contact us to schedule your first session or to learn more
about our tailored transformation programs.